29 jun 2007

Josh Harnet

Hibrido raro de Fotografia tranparencias pintar y volver a repetirme hasta quedarme agusto renace un agradable a la vista como siempre Josh Harnet, un actor en mi opinion comunmente menospreciado por hollywood.

Weird Hybrid between photography and transparencies and paint over it and repeat as till I'm satisfied to reborn as an always nice guy to look at Josh Harnet, an actor in my opinion despised by Hollywood.

26 jun 2007


Hace ahora 3 semanas mi anterior portátil murió -____- después de muchos tramites y negociaciones despues vuelvo a la carga empezando de cero mirando aun futuro con ganas de guerra por eso las particiones de mi ordenador estan lideradas por Skuld y "Mirai" Skuld es una Valkiria y parte de las nornas que representa el futuro y "mirai" significa futuro en Japones, pero quien alberga esas inquietudes es 6Majin, este no tiene logica alguna es simplemente un Robot de guerra aparecido en Viewtiful Joe el cual el nombre a su ves es una coña de Sex Machine xDDD

Reconfigurandolo todo os dejo una pequeña chorrada del recien resucitado Painter (tengo que rehacer todos los pinceles >_<) It has been three weeks since my laptop died -_____- after lots of transactions and negotiations I'm back again fighting starting from zero looking to a future i want to fight for, that's the reason why my laptop partition are ruled by Skuld and "Mirai" Skuld is a Valkyrie which's part of the norms represents the future and "mirai" word means future in Japanese but the one who lodges all those restlessness it's 6Majin, this one has no logic, it's a war machine that appears on Viewtiful Joe Games also is sort of joke that could be readed as Sex Machine xDDDD.

Reconfig all these I leave you a none important thing I've done in the recently Painter(I have to ReDo all the bruches costume configuration >_<)